Dr. Shrestha and Javi attended the 12th Integrated Mathematical Oncology Workshop on Toxicity, where their team won first runner-up. Congratulations, Dr. Shrestha and Javi!

Vicky, Zahra, Javi, and Dr. George attend the 2024 Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting.  Vicky, Zahra, and Javi present three posters and a contributed talk on their cancer research projects.

Dr. Shrestha gave a talk on stochastic modeling on the role of tumor immunomodulation and optimal control in immune-mediated dormancy at the 2024 American Mathematical Society Fall Meeting.

Our research project, Quantifying phenotypic adaptation of biological systems in dynamic environments,  is funded by an R35 from the NIGMS of the National Institutes of Health.  We will study fundamental biological processes underlying phenotypic adaptation by developing and applying joint theoretical and inferential statistical modeling frameworks.

Kayley McBride is selected as a Texas A&M IMSD T32 Graduate Fellow.  Congratulations, Kayley!

Kayley McBride and Madhav Nair, PhD students in Biomedical Engineering, join our research group.

Dr. George presented our group’s work on tumor-immune co-evolution at the 2024 European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Annual Meeting at the University of Castillo-La Mancha in Toledo, Spain.

Dr. George delivered a talk and coordinated the Mathematical Oncology Subgroup activities at the 2024 Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting at KonKuk University in Seoul, South Korea.

Dr. George visited the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru as Param Hansa Centre for Computational Oncology Visiting Professor. There, he gave an invited talk at the Physics of Cells and Tissues 2.0 meeting, delivered lectures to and mentored prospective graduate students, and collaborated with computational researchers at IISc.

Dr. Shrestha gave a talk on mathematical modeling of tumor immunomodulation the 2024 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences.

Javi presented his work on tumor metabolic modeling at the American Association for Cancer Research 2024 Annual Meeting.

Zahra and Dr. George attended and delivered talks on phenotypic resistance in prostate cancer and predictive models of immune specificity at the American Physical Society 2024 March Meeting.

Dr. Shrestha gave an invited talk on the role of pure mathematics in biomedical research to undergraduate students at Tarleton State University. Students were shown how stochastic processes can be developed and applied in biomedical settings.  Dr. Shrestha devoted additional time to mentoring students interested in pursuing further research training, and he discussed graduate research opportunities at Texas A&M University.

Our research group co-organized a joint conference between Mathematical Epidemiology and Mathematical Oncology Subgroups of the Society for Mathematical Biology, bringing together over 150 mathematical biologists focused on modeling efforts at the interface of cancer biology and epidemiology. Dr. Shrestha gave an invited tutorial on stochastic modeling at the interface of epidemiology and oncology. Thanks to all of our plenary speakers, invited panelists, contributed speakers, and attendees. We are excited by all of the cutting-edge science at this interface!


Javi Castrejon’s research project is awarded a 4-year research fellowship from the National Council for Humanities Sciences and Technologies of Mexico. Congratulations, Javi!

Dr. Shrestha, Vicky, and Paras attended the 11th Integrated Mathematical Oncology Workshop on Steering Evolution/Extinction at Moffitt in Tampa, FL. Vicky and Paras were awarded travel fellowships. Dr. Shrestha’s team won first place and Paras’ team won second place. Congratulations, Dr. Shrestha, Vicky, and Paras!

Vicky Fan, Zahra Ghoreyshi, Pujan Shrestha, and Dr. George attend and give talks at the Society for Mathematical Biology’s Annual Meeting and 50th Anniversary in Columbus, Ohio.

Paras Jain, a PhD student in Dr. Jolly’s lab at IISc Bengaluru, joins as a visiting researcher.

Javi Castrejon leads an Aggie STEM summer camp teaching summer high school students about exciting random processes that are found in biology.

Zahra Ghoreyshi, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, and Javi Castrejon, a PhD student in Biosciences, join Dr. George’s research group.


Dr. George is elected as Mathematical Oncology Co-Chair for the Society for Mathematical Biology for 2022-2024.

Our group attends and presents work on population dynamical modeling of EMT and the timing and distribution of  intratumoral heterogeneity at the BMES 2022 Annual Meeting.

Vicky Fan, a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering, joins Dr. George’s research group.

Dr. Pujan Shrestha joins Dr. George’s research group as a Postdoctoral Fellow, bringing his expertise in stochastic analysis.

Maya Koppikar, a senior high school student and visiting summer research intern, gains experience in coding biological models and learning probability.

Dr. George gave an invited talk on modeling the specificity of the T cell repertoire at the 2022 APS Annual March Meeting.

Our work in collaboration with Dr. Jolly’s group at IISc Bengaluru on transcriptomics-based quantification of the EMT spectrum has been published in Biomolecules.

The George Research Group begins.  Dr. George’s research program is awarded a CPRIT Recruitment Grant.